True love. Self respect. A healthier body. Redder berries. Brighter vibrant-green leaves. While you are inside, busily resolving to be a better person, your plants are also quietly reflecting, scheming and setting their goals for 2012. Maybe this will be the year the Hellebores finally take over the Monkey Grass in the shady garden war. Perhaps old man Vitex will outshine the young, brawny Crape Myrtle in the summer’s gaudiest battle. Wonder if the hydrangeas will bloom this summer as well as the camellias have this winter. Who will triumph – rain or rock?

Winter time is a lovely time of dormancy and self-reflection for all living creatures. These same principles apply to your outside dwellings as well. Our mild, southern, January afternoons are the perfect opportunity to take stock of your landscape. Do your overgrown shrubs to reshaped back into new life? Now is the perfect time for hard pruning. Does your garden have good bones? Now is the perfect time to plant a tree. Does your landscape have interesting and flowing traffic patterns? Now is the perfect time for a new walkway, wall or patio.

Is your new year’s resolution to have a more functional and exceptionally beautiful yard? Need help with accomplishing your vision? Visit Shady Grove Landscape Company’s web site to schedule your design appointment right away. Last year, Shady Grove was booked 12 weeks out in spring. Happy New Year!

Asian Inspired Renovation

